"Be loud about the things that are important to you."

Karen Walrond

welcome, welkom, griass di...

I’m glad you stumbled upon my website!


I will be writing posts about whatever comes to mind that
interests me.

If it happens to also interest you, then, yey, that makes me
very happy. If it helps you in any way, then hurray, that makes me happy too.


For now, I envisage talking, uhh, writing, well you know
what I mean…, about hiking, about combining a job with family and a dog, about
force free dog training, gifted education, our beloved Fieberbrunn in the
Austrian Alps, flying, photography, typography, design, travel, Africa, well,
uhmmmm, about anything really. You get the drift.


I will only slowly be adding content, so be patient, but if
there’s something you enjoyed reading, or something that resonates with you in
a particular way, I would love to hear from you. Drop me a comment or an email
and I will get back to you.


But who am I you may ask? Who is this person writing a blog
here? Other than by my name: “Kajsa”, how would I describe myself?

I feel like mostly I can’t or won’t put a label on me. I hate
being put into a box. Truly, every fiber of my being rebels against that.

I mean, no matter where I would start with my list of my
labels, I would be leaving some aspect of me out. Also, does what I studied, or
my job really describe “me”?

I could say I’m an aerospace engineer, hiker, private pilot,
swimmer, mum to two boys, a photographer and graphic designer as well as dog
lover. I could mention the country that issued my passport (The Netherlands).
Do all those things combine to make “me”? I feel there is the me, the person I
was genetically coded to be and there is the influence all of the exterior
factors on me.

Nonetheless lately I have come across some labels that feel more
inclusive. They don’t label by excluding parts but leave room for inclusion.

They are ‘rainforest mind’ and ‘multipotentialite’.

So there you have it, welcome once more to the blog, written
by Kajsa, a rainforest minded multipotentialite.

"I just want to live in a world of mountains, coffee, campfires, cabins and golden trees,

and run around with a camera and notebook, learning the inner workings of everything real."

Victoria Erickson

the latest musings on the blog


"Sorry I'm late. I got here as soon as I wanted to."

drop me a line, ask me a question or leave some love...

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