008 | Hannah Fuqua & Keller, Iris, Capri and Domino

Hannah and left to right: Iris, Keller, Capri and Domino

I loved talking to Hannah on the podcast. She has so much experience both as the owner/guardian of a reactive dog and as a dog walker and trainer.

We discuss her move from rural Alabama to urban Richmond, Virginia. This involved shifting from the Alabama mindset of “Hey, I think it’s kinda cool you alerted me to the delivery guy, cause we are out in the middle of nowhere” (ok, I exaggerate but you get my point) to the Virginia mindset of “Mweahhhh, it might not be so great for the neighbours should that happen every time”.

Keller hanging out with her best friend Sally (left)

In Virginia, Hannah started working for the Richmond SPCA which sounds like an awesome organisation, leading the way to jobs as a dog walker and trainer.

She has worked with lots of reactive dog clients and we discuss all that is involved in “handling encounters with other dogs and their owners”, how you can get into the “you don’t owe anyone an explanation” mindset (fake it till you make it) and much much more.

Backpacking trip for Keller… carrying her own food like a boss.


Hannah’s girls on Instagram: @the__four__pack

The training business Hannah works for: Canine Adventure, Canineadventure.net, training@canineadventure.net, phone:+1-804-432-7570

The Richmond SPCA: https://richmondspca.org/

Focusing on the celebrations:
Marissa Martino’s book: Human-Canine Behavior Connection (affiliate link)

The book Hannah describes as “clicker training for humans”:
Don’t Nag… TAG!: Success the First Time with TAGteach (affiliate link)

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